How you can help

How you can help the landlord and tenant issues within Ontario

You can help in many ways.

Please pick the way that fits most with the amount of time you can spare.

1. Take our surveys and polls (there are even more surveys & polls on our blog)
2. Tell us any negative experiences you are having wither when looking for a place to live, or while living in the dwelling.

You can do this via our blog. Please make sure to list the name of the landlord, their e-mail address & phone number so other tenants can be forwarned.
3. Volenteer even as little as 1-5 hours per month helping us post surveys, polls, posting our banner around on sites, & contacting rental magazines & other related sites to place our banner on them.

Not only will you be helping, you can learn new skills. Please ONLY respond if you have the time to commit the 1-5 hours, or more, per month.
4. Volunteer to help find funds from Philanthropists to help support people who can no longer afford to live in Ontario because of the very high cost of rent.

Any other suggestions or comments you can think of not already mentioned, please e-mail us.

Please use proper subject lines when e-mailing the association.

Thank you